At the end of Sunday’s sermon, Pastor left us with two questions: “What is worth it to you?” and “What do you love most?” For me, both these questions drove home. The things I love are what I value, or what I think have worth. This is all good and well until I think about my own response to temptations. As I pondered my own life, I realized how often I have the wrong value system in moments of temptation. Though I want to say I value the eternal, my temptations often reveal the opposite. How many temptations have I evaluated merely from the lens of my own (misplaced or disordered) desires? How many times have I failed to evaluate my temptations from the lens of Scripture?
When I only evaluate temptations from my own selfish perspective, Scripture teaches that I'm valuing things that aren't actually worth it. Whether I realize it or not, my sinful desires are temporary and unsatisfying. The hope of the gospel teaches that believers in Jesus Christ have crucified their sinful desires with Him and been given new life in Him. Therefore, even when temptation seems worth it, I can have the proper perspective by setting my mind on things above. The next time I'm tempted, I plan to consider what Scripture teaches about my desires, thoughts, and actions. God has promised Christians eternal life (James 1:12), and I need to think and live in a way consistent with that.
I encourage you to evaluate your own life alongside me. As a church, instead of simply following every whim of our selfish desires, let us cultivate our hearts and minds to evaluate our temptations biblically. May God give us the grace and the strength to glorify Him in how we respond to temptations.