Nursery & Toddlers
- Sunday mornings 9:00am
- Ages: 0 – 36 month old children are welcome in our nursery, from 10 minutes before the start of service through the entirety of our gathering time.
- Ages: 3 - 5 year olds first gather for worship with their parents. Then, before the sermon, you may dismiss them to their own classroom for a Bible lesson, singing, prayer, and play.
- Please pick up your children promptly after our gathering concludes.
- Leader: Joelle Logemann
Bible Training Hour
- Sunday mornings 10:45am
- Ages: 0 - 36 month old children are welcome in our nursey during this gathering time.
- Ages: 3 year olds - 5th grade meet in classes appropriate to their age group to be better equipped with the Word of God during this "Sunday School" hour.
- Occasional cycles of Praise Kids, where children are taught about music, singing, instrumentation, and worship of God by these means.
- Contact: Brenna Capon or Joelle Logemann
Kids 4 Truth
- Wednesday evenings 6:45 – 8:00pm, September – April
- Ages: 3 years – 5th Grade
- Leaders: Melissa Stearns and Joy Root
Summer Anchor Kids
- Wednesday evenings 6:45 – 8:00pm, June - August
- Ages: 3 years – 5th Grade
- Leader: Brenna Capon
- Wednesday evenings 6:45 - 8:00pm; Bible study, prayer and socialization.
- Ages: 6th Grade - 12th Grade
- Leaders: Luke and Allison Treiber
All adults are invited to our church's regular Sunday Morning Worship Gathering (9:00am) and Wednesday Evening Bible Study and Prayer Gathering (6:45pm).
Additional gatherings for adults include:
Bible Training Hour
- Sunday mornings 10:45am
- Student Ministries age through Adults gather for a "Sunday School" hour to be better equipped with the Word of God in a more interactive setting.
- Leader: Pastor Danny Capon
Small Groups
- Every other Sunday evening at 5:00pm
- Small Groups consist of church members, their families (all ages!), and regular attenders who request placement in a group. These groups also function as our Deacon Care Groups.
- Groups typically meet twice a month in member homes (Feb.-Apr / June-July / Sept.-Nov.). These groups exist to "further foster faithful fellowship"; a means of discipleship for our church family by spending time together around God’s Word and in prayer.
- Contact: Nate Hatting
5:17 Nomads
- Sunday evenings at 5:17pm, when Small groups are not held.
- Single college students and other single young adults meet for food, fun, and fellowship.
- Leaders: Craig and Joelle Logemann
Men’s Prayer Group
- Friday mornings 7:00am.
- This prayer gathering is held at the church (Fireside Room) and via Zoom (link sent by email).
- We pray with and for our Pastor, with and for one another, our church family, our missionaries, and our community.
- Leader: Pastor Danny Capon
Ladies’ Bible Study
- Every other Tuesday 10:00am and/or 6:30pm
- Resumes January 28, 2025
- Current Bible Study in the Old Testament books of Ruth and Esther
- Leader: Joy Root
Joyful Ladies (Single Adult Women's Group)
- A time for never married, widowed, or previously married women to gather together for mutual edification and encouragement.
- Typically meet on the 3rd Saturday of every month.
- Leaders: Cindi Benevento and Cindy Knight
Young at Heart (Retirees Group)
- A newly formulated group initiated by our retirees
- For the intention of socialization and service within the church
- Meets monthly for activites, fellowship and/or service opportunities
- Leaders: Ben and Karla Pegram; Arliss Bonner