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"Oh, save your people and bless your heritage! Be their shepherd and carry them forever."

~ Psalm 28:9


If Christ is your Savior, then he is your Shepherd (v.9).  He will carry you forever.  You are safe and secure, free to live and move and have your being (Acts 17:28) in the bounds of his grace.  It is only when we step beyond his bounds of grace that we find ourselves in peril. 

If Christ is your Savior, he is your strength and saving refuge (v.8).  He has anointed you at your initial salvation (Eph. 1:13, 2:8), continues to save you day by day (1 Cor. 1:18; 2 Cor. 2:15), and will ultimately and eternally save you in the end (Romans 5:9-10). 

If Christ is your Savior, he is your shield and help (v.7).  In him can you trust, exult, give thanks, sing and lift up your hands (v.2b)

If Christ is your Savior, he is your LORD (v.6).  He has heard your cry.  He is merciful to you.  As your Savior and LORD he does not let you be as one who goes down to the pit (v.1).  He does not deal with you according to the evil works of your heart and hands (v.3-4).  He gives you life and builds you up.

If Christ is NOT your Savior, he will be deaf/silent to you, making you one of those who go down to the pit (v.1).  You are not helped (v.2), you will be dragged off (v.3) and dealt with according to the evil of your heart (v.3) and hands (v.4), you will be torn down (v.5).

With Christ as our Savior, let us be careful to regard his works (v.5) and be about his work.  May he build us up as we together as his Body build one another up in love (Eph. 4:15-16).  May he tear down whatever else we may be building in our lives that in all reality is selfish and vain.

Bless the LORD with me today, O people of God, that he deals with us according to the righteousness of the heart and hands of Jesus!