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"Blessed be the name of the LORD from this time forth and forevermore!"

~ Psalm 113:2


This psalm is shorter but is a very strong and uplifting psalm of praise to our great God.  The (uninspired) title is “Who is like the LORD our God?”…a very fitting and excellent question to ponder.  The answer of course is “NO ONE!”.  The LORD God is unique among all other beings.  He is the only God.  Therefore, the only God to be praised and blessed (v.1-3), lifted high and given glory (v.4-5).  He raises the lowly, the poor, the needy, the barren (v.6-9).  None of whom are deserving. 

Honest self-reflection identifies that we are all lowly, poor, needy and barren; not deserving of the love and grace and mercy of the LORD God.  Yet, in Christ, we have received the fullest measure of each.

Praise the LORD with me this day!