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"Deliver me, O LORD, from lying lips, from a deceitful tongue."

~ Psalm 120:2


Yes, I skipped Psalm 119!  Perhaps I will come back to it at a later time.  Perhaps…

Today we look at Psalm 120.  This Psalm begins a 15-psalm section (Psalm 120-134) known as the “Songs of Ascent”.  This psalm is a cry of distress…a plea for deliverance in the midst of persecution and tribulation.  That, in and of itself, is not uncommon for the psalms; but the distress/affliction that the psalmist describes is unique in how it relates to words…his enemies’ words against him (v.2) and his enemies’ misuse (twisting/perversion) of his words (v.7). 

The psalmist labels himself as a man “for peace” (v.7) among a deceitful people (v.2) of hatred (v.6) and war (v.4,7).  He seems, for some reason, to be residing in enemy territory and struggling to remain faithful.  What a comfort this brings to me.  I too, often feel stuck in the land of the enemy (“too long have I had my dwelling among those who hate peace”, v.6) and struggle to remain faithful as I should.  To be surrounded by such lies and deceit, fighting, hatred and division.  Yet, as this psalmist does, I too must call to our to God for assistance for he will answer me (v.1).

Do not give up my brother, my sister!  Hold fast!  Remain faithful and true amid this “crooked and twisted generation” (Philippians 2:14-16).