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This week we are close to finishing the book of Genesis; a book of lineage and legacy and posterity. With the pattern of the patriarchs blessing their respective sons, we come to Genesis 48 keeping in step with that pattern; Jacob blessing his sons and even his grandsons Ephraim and Manasseh.

To the adult with children the application may be more apparent, but what if (like me) you are only 22 years old without a household? What then? Must we wait until we have children of our own? Or what if we never have posterity and the Lord chooses to withhold that blessing? All thoughts I was wrestling through while listening.

Something Pastor Danny asked struck me: "As you grow older, does your confidence grow in God keeping his word?"  What we see in the text is Jacob having confidence in God keeping His word beyond his own lifetime!  This is not unique to simply being a father.  How many times have we lived our lives lacking confidence in our God keeping His word? Maybe we don't always see the growth in our lives and bow down to our fear that God has left or that we are a lost cause.  Or maybe we see the world around us falling to pieces, and we ask why does the Lord tarry?  Yet we have thousands of years of God's faithfulness in the scriptures alone!  God has been faithful, God will be faithful.  We know this...our confidence should grow as we see his faithfulness to fulfill His word every day of our lives. 

Will you help me grow in my confidence of God fulfilling his word by sharing with me how he has done so in your life?  Can I help you grow in your confidence of God by sharing how he is keeping his word in my life?