If you want a clear example of humanity’s inclination to boast, look no further than Guinness World Records. First published in 1955, this British group continues to track feats ranging from impressive (the world’s tallest/shortest man/woman), to unique (world’s largest pizza), to downright bizarre (world’s longest fingernails…). Just for fun, I decided to look up some of the latest accomplishments tracked by Guinness. I came across a 14-year-old Indian boy known as “The Human Calculator” who can accurately add 50-digit numbers (If I got it right, those are numbers in the quindecillions) mentally in 25.19 seconds (I’ll put the article here, for those curious to know more)!
I’m confident that nothing I do will make it into the Guinness Book of World Records. Nevertheless, I can still look at my accomplishments, such as either getting a master’s degree or (more significantly!) being married, and rightfully take pride in them. However, I can also wrongly boast about these achievements by regarding them as “selfish ambitions” (Cf. James 3:13-14). Rather than thanking God for gifting to me a wonderful wife and granting me the ability to succeed in higher education, I can wrongly say, “look at me and how great I am because of what I have done.”
Drilling even further down in our text this last Sunday, James 1:9-11, I can also wrongly boast about my social status. In reflecting on Pastor’s message, I have come to realize that I can wrongly boast about both my lowliness and my riches. As I reflect on my socio-economic standing in life, I could comparatively be rich in the sense that I have fewer debts than other fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Yet I can also think of myself as poor in that I do not own a home or have an expendable income. I can wrongly “boast” in my lowliness by whining and begging: "If only I had more money to do/buy _______; I wish I were like ________ who takes multiple vacations throughout the year.” I can also boast about the wealth that I do have: “Well, at least I’m better off than ______”
What then must I boast about? Like the poor, I must boast about the future inheritance I have in God’s kingdom (James 2:5). Like the rich, I must humbly acknowledge that the possessions of this world are temporary. “The great equalizer” of death will separate me from any earthly loss or gain (James 1:10). The moth and rust will destroy my belongings (Matthew 6:19).
As I conclude, I would encourage us to reflect on these words found in the Keith and Kristyn Getty hymn “My Worth is not in What I Own:”
I will not boast in wealth or might
Or human wisdom's fleeting light
But I will boast in knowing Christ
At the cross.