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"Oh that my ways may be steadfast in keeping your statutes!"

Psalm 119:5

Well, I have finally circled back around and will attempt ‘Reflections’ from the longest psalm which is also the longest chapter in the entire Bible.  I will not take it all in one fell swoop, but will take it in its authorial intended segments.  The author of this psalm has it divided into 22 sections of 8 verses each (total 176).  The first word of each verse begins with the same Hebrew letter within each section.  Those letters are in sequential order of the Hebrew alphabet.

Pastor has been in routine of reading through Psalm 119 section by section before his sermon each Sunday.  He began a new cycle of doing so this past Sunday, so I intend to post a new ‘Reflection’ each week corresponding to the section read on Sunday mornings. 

These first 8 verses introduce us to the blessing that is for who live according to the Word of God (“walk in the law of the LORD” v.1).  Life in right relationship with God is not without effort, intentionality, and action.  We can greatly desire the good blessings that come from a life lived in obedience to God’s commands, but desire alone produces nothing.   Desire plus minimal effort or short-term action also does not produce the blessings described in this psalm.

Consider if you would desire to have the blessings and benefits of a well-trained, fit and healthy athlete.  Desire alone does not produce it.  Desire plus simply securing a gym membership does not produce it.  Desire, a gym membership and going to the gym once a week does not produce it.  Desire, membership, daily workouts for only 10 minutes does not produce it.  Much, much more is required!

Simply desiring the good that God provides does not produce it.  Desire plus a right relationship through Jesus Christ (gym membership) does not produce it.  Desire, salvation and reading God’s Word once a week does not produce it.  Desire, salvation, simply reading God’s Word 10 minutes a day does not produce it.  Much, much more is required!

We must ‘walk’ (v.1,3), ‘keep’ (v.2,4,5,8), ‘seek’ (v.2,), ‘fix our eyes’ (v.6), ‘learn’ (v.8).  We must do so with our ‘whole heart’ (v.2), ‘diligently’ (v.4), ‘steadfastly’ (v.5), with ‘praise in an upright heart’ (v.7).  Our intention must be to be ‘blameless’ (v.1) and ‘do no wrong’ (v.3).  We cannot do this in our own strength, but in the LORD and by his commands we can!  He is the one who will ‘not put us to shame’ (v.6).  He is the one who will ‘not utterly forsake us’ (v.8). 

Let us together seek to keep a well-fed (nourished) desire to walk in the law of the LORD.  Examine yourself to be sure you are in the faith (have a membership) and then utilize it to its fullest extent.  Daily workouts (reading, studying, meditating, applying) in the Word of God are required.  ‘Workouts’ that push us past our current abilities are required.  Let us encourage and partner with one another to give the required effort, intentionality and action in pursuing the blessing of those whose way is blameless by walking in his ways.