"I cling to your testimonies, O LORD...I will run in the way of your commandments..."
~ Psalm 119:30-31
“I just can’t take any more.” “I am holding on by a thread.” “One more thing and I will crumble.” “I’m at the end of my rope.”
These and similar phrases have been uttered by each and every one of us at one time or another. The psalmist here states it as such, “My soul clings to the dust…My soul melts away for sorrow...” (v.25,28) How is it that by the end of this section of verses, the psalmist instead is declaring, “I cling to your testimonies, O LORD…I will run in the way of your commandments…”? (v.30-31)
He does so my rightly recognizing his circumstance and heart condition. He does not try to hide it, shade it, skew it, justify it, excuse it, ‘put a pretty face on it’, or whatever other foolish things we are drawn to do. No, instead the psalmist requests of God to give him life (v.25) and strength (28) from the Word; he requests to be taught (v.26,29).
The psalmist rejoices in the fact that as he ‘spills his guts’ to God, God answers (v.26). God does not put him to shame for what he is experiencing or for the fact that he is not sufficient in himself to handle it. No, instead God gives life (v.25), he answers (v.26), he teaches (v.26), gives understanding (v.27), he strengthens (v.28), he is gracious (v.29), he helps us persevere (v.30), he preserves (v.31), he enlarges the heart (v.32).
Take courage my brother and sister! Our God and his Word are more than sufficient and readily available for whatever we are experiencing. Whatever earthly or selfish thing you are grasping at or clinging onto, let it go and cling to the LORD and his written Word. Choose faithfulness; meditate on the wondrous works of God; run in obedience; set your mind on things above; fix your eyes on Christ. There is no greater hope for you or me!