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"I will lift up my hands toward your commandements, which I love,"

~ Psalm 119:48a


Forty verses in and the author has not yet penned the word “love”.  He has written of blessing (v.1), praise (v.7), delight (V.14,16,24,35), life (v.17,25,37,40), meditating (v.15,23,27), clinging (v.31), being consumed (v.20), and longing (v.20,40).  But he has not yet spoken of love. 

As is always the case, God’s love comes first, man’s love comes second.  This section begins by saying “Let your steadfast love come to me, O LORD.” (v.41).  This love of the LORD is ultimately expressed in “[his] salvation according to [his] promise.” (v.41).  

“We love because he first loved us.” (1 John 4:19).  The Apostle John stated earlier in the same chapter “…for love comes from God…” (1 John 4:7).

What are the first thoughts that come to mind when you think about loving God in return for his love of you?  Warm feelings and big smiles?  Happiness and contentment?  Peace and Joy?  Quality time and conversation?  Gratitude and praise?  How far into this brainstorming session do you have to go before you get to “law”, “precepts”, “testimonies”, “commandments” and “statutes”??  And even if you do get there in your own considerations, do you first think about God’s commandments in relation to your obedience to them?? 

Jesus said, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” (John 14:15).

The psalmist here, after finally speaking of love, states that in response to receiving the steadfast love of the LORD, he in turn loves the LORD’s commandments (v.47-48).  He also repeats his delight and meditation here as well.  In saying, “I will lift up my hands toward your commandments,”, the psalmist is indicating an open embrace/reception of the LORD’s commands, a committed resolve to obeying the LORD’s commands, a prayerful praise of the LORD’s commands, and an active practice of the LORD’s commands.   He is not reluctant or sluggish, resentful or slothful. 

May our love for the LORD in response to his salvation be the same as the psalmist’s; may we KNOW his commandments, BELIEVE them to be good and true, LOVE them, and LIVE them. 

Pray for me and I will be praying for you!