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"What should parents, who trust in God, want for their kids?"

A similar question was asked by Pastor Danny this past Sunday. Have you thought any more about it? Is it a question you wrestle with every day? For those without kids, is this something you have thought of as you look forward to when you may have kids? It is a sobering question. Sobering, first of all, because it assumes parents have a responsibility from God to their kids about the things of God. Secondly, it is sobering because we actually have to put this in practice and cannot be passive about it.

Another similar question Pastor asked was: "Do you anticipate leaving your kids with an inheritance of faith?"

The previous question looks to the present and this question looks to the effects of the present into the future. The American dream in our present age wants us to look to the physical now, as well to the physical in the future.  Is it good to leave a physical inheritance to our children? Yes.  Even God through Solomon agrees (Prov 13:22).  But what is something more important that the physical?  The spiritual faith-filled inheritance. 

We saw this in Jacob in Genesis 48 with him being a man, at the end of his life, pointing his son and grandkids back to the ways God has dealt well with him.  Do we have full control over our children’s salvation? No.  Do we have the ability to point our kids and grandkids to the goodness of God? Yes!  Do we pray for their salvation? Yes!  Do we teach them God’s commands and the fear of the LORD? Yes!  Will this provide a refuge for your children? An astounding Yes (Prov 14:26)!

Go in faith, teaching your kids about the Faith, leaving a legacy of Faith.

“A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, but the sinner’s wealth is laid up for the righteous.” (Prov. 13:22)

“In the fear of the LORD one has strong confidence, and his children will have a refuge.” (Prov. 14:26)