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There is a phrase that goes somewhat like this, “History is written by the victors.” This comes from the idea that those who made it out of the battle or war and came out on top are the ones who wrote about what happened, therefore having bias, and maybe conflating their actual achievements and what occurred. Sometimes people are skeptical of reading history books because of this perspective and don’t trust everything they read.

Can I say that the Bible is biased?? But in the best way possible! It was written by man but superintended by the Holy Spirit, therefore God is truly the one who wrote it. This means we get God’s perspective, God’s bias. He is the One who was the “victor” of sorts, is the “victor,” and will be the “victor.” But he is righteous and good. So, what we get with the book of Genesis is history but not simply history, its theological history.

What that means is it is 1) Accurate in its retelling of history (because God wrote it) and 2) God is teaching us something through the history (because God wrote it). Let me give one example from the book of Genesis: Noah and the worldwide flood. First, it accurately told us that there was a historical person named Noah and there was a worldwide flood. Second, what God is teaching us through this account is the true corrupt nature of sin, the consequences of sin (which is death), but most importantly the favor God gives to those who have faith in him.

When you come to the Word, do you automatically trust what is written is true?

When you come to the Word, do you come with a humble heart willing to learn?

When you come to the Word, do you look for God’s perspective or do you try to impose your own?