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You can’t assume the person you are talking to at work knows who Jesus is. You can’t assume the person standing in front or behind you at the grocery store knows who Jesus is. You can’t assume your neighbor knows who Jesus is. Paul never assumed pagans knew, so we can’t either. The sin we see rampant in Noah’s Day, the Kingdom of Israel, and the Roman Empire has just found new clothes in our modern day. The same selfishness, sexual perversion, child sacrifice is the same at heart as it was then. Do you get discouraged by this? Do you waive the white flag and think there’s no point in letting them know? “They won’t change.” “They are to set in their ways.” “They are so evil.” Didn’t people think this about Paul? Didn’t people think this about Flora who Tim talked about?

We should not be discouraged, and even so discouraged to do nothing. This is exactly why Jesus came: to save a people for Himself, a people for his own possession. A people who once were sexually immoral, idolators, selfish, evil, can be changed by the grace of God and can live radically different and give glory to God. Does the person who you are talking to at work know Jesus? Well, if not, you have been commissioned by Jesus to tell them. Don’t waive the white flag, be strong and courageous (in the Lord by the grace of God), and tell them about Jesus.