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As Pastor explained how we relate Jesus and Old Testament, he also asked some very heart-revealing questions. I am going to paraphrase the questions he asked:

“Are you listening to Jesus?”    “Are you taking in His word?”

These questions also came with Pastor’s admonition to us: If you aren’t you won’t be hearing him and won’t be following him rightly. You will be following Him on your own assumptions.

This is one of the most basic responsibilities as a Christian; follow Jesus. How do we know how to follow?  How do we know the path? And how do we follow rightly if we don’t know what Jesus is telling us?

Keep in mind, what Jesus is telling us is not vague. It is not personal revelation just to you. It is not found in your heart, feelings, or mind. It is found in his Word, and is applied to your heart, feelings, mind, and actions. It has implications on how those things are to operate.

So…are you listing to Jesus and taking in His word?

If so, what is one thing that has stood out to you that you need to course correct to follow Jesus rightly?  If not, why not? Too busy? Too hard to understand? Don’t know where to start? Why not start by rereading the passage we were in this past Sunday? Why not ask a friend to help for understanding? Why not plan to read the Bible into your schedule?

A helpful illustration that Pastor gave me in my own wrestlings, frustrations, and inconsistencies in the path of sanctification is that of driving a car. We all know driving on a straight road is not just as easy as putting your foot on the gas and going straight. You have to keep your hand on the wheel at all times and make the tiniest of course corrections almost constantly to keep going straight and to stay on the road. The same is true for your following of Jesus. There are times of minimal course corrections, there are times of potholes and swerving to miss them. There are times to make a turn, take an exit, or keep the course forward.  Such is the path of sanctification. But our vision for our path of sanctification does not come from our own eyes or our hearts. It comes from the Word of God which lights our path!