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"In the LORD I take refuge;...For the LORD is righteous; he loves righteous deeds; the upright shall behold his face."

~ Psalm 11:1a & 7


There are many false and deceiving messages that voices around us are speaking, but the truth never changes.  These voices may come from self, family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, strangers, celebrities, politicians, musicians, authors, et c.  The voices that I (and the psalmist) am talking about are voices of fear.  They are voices that speak lies to produce fear and despair; disparaging the LORD and seeking to have you abandon your faith (v.2-3).  These voices twist and pervert; they speak half-truth; they veil and deceive; they distract and confuse.  I pray you are not influenced or taken by such voices. 

It may be true that the wicked are aiming and shooting their arrows at the heart of the righteous (v.2) and that our current culture is eroding the foundations of society (v.3) and that (of themselves) the righteous can do nothing (v.3), BUT it is not true that we are to “flee to your mountain” (v.1) into seclusion/isolation, nor are we to arrogantly look to ourselves as the answer and then despair in our inadequacy (“what can the righteous do?” v.3). 

We both rest and work in the refuge of our Savior.  It is he who will protect us from ultimate harm (1 Peter 3:13) and is the one who has the power and right and authority to “do” (Romans 11:36).  And he has called us to “do” with/in/by/for him (Colossians 3:23; Romans 14:8).

David in this psalm declares and reminds us that the LORD is in his holy temple, seated on his throne (v.4).  It is in him that we take refuge from the evil of this world (v.1).  The LORD is seeing all, “test[ing] the children of man”, both the righteous and wicked (v.4-5).  The wicked shall be consumed (v.6) and the ones whom the LORD has made righteous through his Son Jesus Christ “shall behold his face” (v.7) (Job 19:25-27).

May you be encouraged by this today!