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"May we shout for joy over your salvation,"

~ Psalm 20:5a


David starts this psalm with a 5-verse benediction.  He then concludes with 4 verses about the source, the means and the guarantee of this blessing.  We know that the LORD saves (v.6), that we can trust in his name (v.7) and that through him we rise and stand (v.8).  Because of God and God alone, we shout for joy over salvation (v.5).  A trust in anything else leads to collapse and ruin (v.8).

God’s purpose is an eternal purpose.  The more we have our hearts formed and shaped by an eternal perspective, the more we will experience the joy of our salvation (v.5), the more we will see the enduring victory of Jesus Christ (v.6), the more we will trust in the name of the LORD our God (v.7). 

God’s eternal purpose is his glory.  His glory is our best good.  This should be the single desire, the only object, of every Christian.  As humans, the deepest longing of our hearts is to know and enjoy the glory of God.  Unfortunately, we have “exchanged the glory of the immortal God” for other things (Romans 1:22-23).  We have starved ourselves of his glory, finding only unsatisfaction and death in all substitutes.

If, as you read this today, you are not trusting in “the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ” (2 Corinthians 4:4), today can be your day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2)!  Put your trust in “the name that is above every name” (Philippians 2:9-11), the name Jesus Christ.  In him and him alone is salvation found, the forgiveness of sins and the gift of eternal life.

If, as you read this today, you are saved through Jesus Christ, then grow in your trust of his name and experience the blessing of his glory.  Be not content in the current extent of your participation of the exaltation of the glory of God.  Grow in your knowledge of him, grow in your praise of him, grow in your love for him!