"Lead me to the rock that is higher than I"
~Psalm 61:2b
I hope you find these reflections helpful…allowing the song book of God’s Word to direct the affections of your heart. It is extremely enriching for me to provide them each week. I am grateful to God for this grace.
We are likely all familiar with the saying “being at the end of my rope”. When we have striven hard and exhausted ourselves, coming to the last remnants of strength we can muster, having no other efforts we can conceivably try. In this psalm, David speaks similarly when he says he is calling out to God “from the end of the earth…when his heart is faint” (v.2a). Far too often we place ourselves in the position of feeling distant and desperate, and sometimes simply seeking to live life faithfully in this fallen world places us in this same position. But the reality is that God is near…He hears and listens (v.1,5a)…He leads (v.2b) and protects (v.3) and sustains (v.4).
He takes to the rock that is higher than our ability alone can take us (v.2b). He is a refuge and strong tower (v.3). We may dwell in his tent forever and rest in the shelter of his wings (v.4).
And the greatest truth of all is that he has established his Son Jesus Christ to be King enthroned forever in steadfast love and faithfulness (v.6-7). In him we are granted the heritage of those who fear the name of the LORD (v.5b). This heritage is the forgiveness of sins and eternal life!
Remember your profession of faith in him, day after day, living in humble and grateful obedience, singing praises to his name (v.5a,8).