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"This blessing has fallen to me, that I have kept your precepts."

~ Psalm 119:56


How strong is your personal resolve?  Your perseverance?  Your ‘sticktoitiveness’?  I would venture to say that most of would rank ourselves on a pretty high level, or at least would desire to be seen at a high level.  Most people don’t like to think of themselves as weak or as quitters, nor do we want others to see us as such.

What if I switched the question slightly?  How would you rate your loyalty?  Your commitment?  Your faithfulness?  Even if you were willing to admit that your perseverance and resolve are weak, that you tend to give up on things quickly, I think this new twist to the question makes you bristle a bit more.  You are likely a bit more reactive and protective of your view yourself or how you want others to view you as it relates to loyalty, commitment and faithfulness.  And this is good!  This should cause a stir within.

This section of Psalm 119 speaks of the writer’s loyalty, commitment and faithfulness to God’s Word.  It also speaks of his active resolve, perseverance and ‘sticktoitiveness’ in obeying God’s Word.  And it does so in the context of affliction (v.50), persecution and ridicule (v.51), rampant wickedness (v.53), sojourning/restlessness/discontent (v.54), and long, dark, dreadful, sleepless nights (v.55).

In the midst of all these various circumstances, the psalmist says he hopes in God’s Word (v.49), takes comfort in God’s promise (v.50), does not turn his face from God’s law (v.51), thinks about God’s rules (v.52), sings God’s statutes (v.54), remembers the name of the LORD (v.55), and keeps God’s law/precepts (v.55-56).

We have all been in our own versions of the circumstances presented in this section of Psalm 119, but (honestly) evaluate how you have faired in your resolve and your loyalty to God and his Word.  Are you where God would desire you to be?  Have you deceived yourself about spiritual maturity?  Are you deceiving others with your self-righteousness?  These are difficult questions, I know.  I ask them of myself. 

And at times I am tempted to have “hot indignation seize me because of the wicked (aka: Nate) who forsake [God’s] law.”  I can be self-deceived into thinking that the ‘wicked who forsake God’ are only ever others.  But I, too, can live in such a way as do the wicked forsakers.  I do turn my face away from God’s low.  I do refuse to take comfort in his promise.  I do lose hope in his Word.  I do not sing his statues.  I do disobey his precepts. 

But praise the LORD, that through his Son Jesus Christ I am redeemed!  I am forgiven!  With his Spirit inside me, I can grow and change and mature and strengthen my resolve and loyalty to living according to the Word of God, and love living in obedience to his commands!  “This blessing has fallen to me,…” (v.56).  This blessing too has come to you, believer.