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This section of Psalm 119 leads my thoughts similarly to the previous section as it pertains to the reality of my heart.  Verse 59, “When I think on my ways, I turn my feet to your testimonies.”  What a statement that is! 

But for the grace of God, when I think about my ways, it is not natural for me to turn to the LORD’s testimonies.  What would be natural is for me to further turn into my ways as I think about my ways.  For as God states through the prophet Isaiah, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD.”  I am prone to self-imploding entropy; a spiraling in on myself in a gradual decline of disorder and depravity. 

The psalmist further states in verse 60 that he “hasten[s] and do[es] not delay to keep [the LORD’s] commandments.”  But for the mercy of God, I hasten and do not delay to keep my own rules and ways, feeding my own passions and desires. 

Unlike the psalmist, when “the cords of the wicked ensnare me,” (v.61) I am quick to forget God and his law.  But becasue of the work of the Holy Spirit, I do pray the same prayer as the psalmist, that this would be true of me.  And I thank God that he has so sanctified that this is more and more true of me.  What is true of you?

Praise the LORD with me (v.62) that he is “gracious to [us] according to [his] promise.” (v.58) and not according to what our actions and faithlessness deserves.  The earth is indeed full of his steadfast love (v.64) and we can live in the companionship of all who fear him, keeping his precepts together (v.63).  Do not lose heart, stay committed to the LORD, to his people, and to the obedience of his commands.   He is your portion (v.57) and he will teach you (v.64).