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Patience…am I willing to wait?  Do I have enough love to wait?  Do I have enough faith to wait?  Will I be faithful while I wait?  Am I selfless enough to wait?

In and of myself, the answer to all of these questions in “No!”  In and of Christ in me, the answer to these questions can be “Yes!”  It is not passive or automatic, but because of Christ in me, at work through his Spirit and his Word, I am able to be patient and grow in patience. 

There are areas of my life where I struggle or am slow to be patient.  To the praise of God, I have evidenced long-term patience in other areas.  By nature, I (we all) want quick blessings from God; and he often obliges.  The reality of such blessings is great!  But I have learned that the blessings of God through patience are even greater.  This is not a ubiquitous validation of the cliché, “Good things come to those who wait.”  A true statement, but not absolute.

Trusting God to work and bless over time, watching for God to work and bless over time, allowing God to work and bless over time, following God in his work and blessing over time, partnering with God in his work and blessing over time, recognizing God’s work and blessing over time, and glorifying God in his work and blessing over time is marvelous, humbling and eternally rewarding.

I do not deserve either the quick blessings or the long-term blessings.  God gives both only because of his goodness, grace and mercy.  He also is the one who gives the faith and the patience.

How are you at patience?  What has God done in your life over time?  Will you help me be patient?  Will you practice patience with me?