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In concluding our series on developing a culture of discipleship, Pastor Danny challenged us through God’s Word to consider what it means for us to be a part of making a discipleship culture here at Anchor Baptist Church. He pointed out three specific areas we must consider: Show up, Help out, and Invest in.

At the center of a discipleship culture is showing up, for if we neglect to gather together then it is impossible to “stir up one another to love and good works” (Hebrews 10:24). However, the act of “showing up” is not sufficient, for one must also consider their own heart and motives in their showing up. Pastor Danny has similarly reiterated this when talking about “going to church”: True, we do “go to church,” but our motive in our going ought to be that we are edifying and encouraging one another when we gather. These thoughts should also shape our informal gatherings, that is, when we gather with our church family outside of scheduled gathering times (Sunday morning, Wednesday evening, …).

The second element in a discipleship culture is helping out. As 1 Corinthians 12:4 explains, the way I help out is going to look different than the way you help out; God through the Holy Spirit has given each of us unique gifts/talents/abilities for “the common good” of the body of Christ. Consider how God has enabled you—it might be a specific skill you have, but it can also include your own personal life experiences.

The final element is that we are investing in one another. In showing up, both formally and informally, and building each other up through our unique, God-given gifts, our end goal is “that we may present everyone mature in Christ” (Colossians 1:28). Is it our desire for people to say of us, “I am more like Jesus Christ because of [your name here]”? Understand that in this pursuit we must not esteem ourselves so highly (not proudly boasting, “look at me!”) or regard ourselves so lowly (“God could never use me.”), for ultimately both of these ways of thinking put the focus on self instead of on God. Additionally, just as none of us are identical in the way God has enabled us, so too are we not identical in the way we invest in each other.  I would encourage you (as I have been challenged myself) to pray and ask God to help you know how to use your time and resources (such as your gifts) for the sake of the body of Christ.

May we all seek to become more like Christ and help others do the same through the means God has given each of us!